Your Safety is Our #1 Priority
COVID-19 UPDATE: To protect your health and safety, we have established additional health and safety standards and embrace the newest best practices advised by the CDC.
Corporate Travel Servies
Fleetwood specializes in working with in-house travel managers. We know that logistics, automation and ease of use are critical to you and your team. As Fleetwood, we have created a one-stop shop for all of your corporate travel needs. From scheduling an event, shuttle service and motor coaches to single rides one call to Fleetwood takes care of everything!
Understanding your corporate needs, providing the most professional transportation service is what Fleetwood is known for around the Global. Give us a call today and speak to one of our Corporate Managers, we’ll explain what makes our company the right choice for your company.
What Our Clients Say?

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Download our Mobile App for your instant transfer
Not sure of your schedule? No problem. We strategically pre-position vehicles around cities. With Fleetwood Limousine, your ride is right around the corner.
Download our app to book and review rates with a few taps anywhere in the world. You can also manage account preferences like pick-up and drop-off location, forms of payment, vehicle preference and save your addresses for instant booking.
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